Containerized PEM Electrolyzers - M Series

  • Hydrogen Gas Generator

As the percentage of renewable energy supply to the electricity grid increases, matching the intermittent supply with demand becomes increasingly problematic for power plant operators. As the deployment meets and exceeds 20% capacity, grid balancing issues become acute, leading to wind curtailment, which drives the need for long-term, large-scale energy storage solutions.

Nel Containerized PEM Electrolyzers

With the addition of the M Series product, Nel continues its successful history of deploying safe and reliable Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) electrolysis products at relevant scale for emerging and traditional markets.

The M Series is an innovative, ground-breaking product that can integrate renewable sources of generation, convert surplus electricity to produce hydrogen and store that hydrogen as energy for future use. The product is sized at a scale that can accept one and two megawatts (MWs) of power and produce almost 1000 kilograms of hydrogen daily. The hydrogen can be injected into the natural gas grid (Power-to-Gas), used for biogas upgrading, power hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, and many other industrial applications.

Adobe IconM Series Spec Sheet

The modular and scalable M Series platform makes it an easy option for project managers looking for a solution to satisfy their energy storage needs, whether at two MWs or larger.

Nel Nel M Series Rapid Response Electrolyzers

The product was developed with a rapid, dynamic response in mind to adjust to the intermittent nature of renewable energy input. The product uses surplus renewable power and converts it to hydrogen, which can be stored for long periods as a fuel for heat, mobility, or power generation. Unlike traditional storage technologies, Power-to-Gas provides the means to store and transport energy. By utilizing existing storage facilities like the natural gas pipeline network and associated underground storage facilities, the stored energy can be discharged where and when it is needed most.

Specifications for Containerized PEM Electrolyzers

Nominal Production Rate
246 Nm3/h
9.352 SCF/h
531 kg/24 h
400 Nm3/h
18.704 SCF/h
1,062 kg/24 h
Purity (concentration of impurities)
99.95% [H2O < 500 ppm, N2 < 2 ppm, O2 < 1 ppm, all others undetectable]
Purity (concentration of impurities
with optional high purity dryer)
ISO 14687:2019(E) Type I, Type II Grade D and SAE J-2719 Type I Grade L
99.9995% [H2O < 5 ppm, N2 < 2 ppm, O2 < 1 ppm, all others undetectable]
Delivery Pressure - Nominal 
30 barg (435 psig); full differential pressure H2 over O2

M Series Spec Sheet

Additional Services

SilPac does more than just manufacture gas systems. We also offer a complete line of services to support your gas distribution equipment needs. We provide on-site system startup, function testing, training, and field service and support.

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Contact Us Today for Nel Containerized Electrolyzers

Our success is measured by customer satisfaction, and our dedication to quality objectives drives continual improvement in all aspects of our business. Contact us or request a quote today and let us find the best solution to satisfy your needs and expectations.